+9.600 neumáticos diferentes; +500.000 productos disponibles!!!!.
+9.600 neumáticos diferentes; +500.000 productos disponibles!!!!.

Terms & Conditions


Tech & Advise S.A. through our website http://www.in2tires.com hereinafter the “Website”, communicates to our Clients the terms and conditions that will govern the effects of their use of the Website.

These are the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Conditions of Use”) for Internet users who access the contents and services that Tech & Advise S.A. makes available through the Website.

The validity of these Terms and Conditions will remain as long as they are published on the Website, being able to Tech & Advise S.A. Modify them without notice. Accordingly, the user is recommended to periodically review these Terms and Conditions. Any modification that is introduced will be effective as of its publication on the “Website” and the use of the site after the modification implies acceptance of said changes by the user.

The only use of the Website implies the irrevocable and unconditional acceptance by the user of all the terms and conditions set forth herein, assuming the obligation to respect them. If you do not agree with the above, please refrain from using the Website and providing any personal information through it.


You must be 18 years of age or older to access the Website.

By operating with us by this means you must provide truthful, complete and accurate information. You will be solely responsible for the information provided and for the activity carried out on the Website and you must keep access to it secure.

Except for your eventual adhesion to the Newsletter, no contracts of any kind will be concluded through the Website.

The use of the Website is not allowed for: (i) No activity contrary to the law, morals or good customs, (ii) Upload (“load up”), publish, transmit or make available by any means and form, any material or content that could be considered offensive, defamatory, libelous, slanderous, discriminatory or objectionable, (iii) Publish, transmit or make available by any means and form, content that violates third party rights, including, but not limited to a, intellectual or industrial property rights, (iv) Modify the Website, servers or connected networks, as well as interfere or interrupt it, (v) Disseminate or collect personal data of third parties without their prior written authorization for such purposes, (vi) Choose or use another person's account with the intention of impersonating that person; (vii) Use another person's account; (ix) Make commercial use of the Website without prior written authorization from Tech & Advise S.A.


In order to make purchases, the interested user must register by email on the Website, consigning all the personal information required. The user is obliged that the information that will be recorded at all times, both when registering on the Website and when making a purchase, and / or on any other occasion when information should be entered, will be correct and reliable, committing to update it if necessary, and taking full responsibility for the damages that could be caused by the inclusion of any incorrect or inaccurate information that is recorded when registering, including any expenses that the Website may incur as a result.

The Website has been designed so that any consumer can make purchases of the products offered therein, subject to the stock available at the time of purchase. The user declares to know and accept that at the time of confirming the operation he is carrying out, it will constitute a purchase-sale operation, applying to them all the legal regulations corresponding to it.


The consumer declares to know that by virtue of the dynamism of the Website and that many consumers may be carrying out operations at the same time, it may happen that at the time of making the operation the product is no longer available. Likewise, a purchase may not be specified depending on the stock of merchandise available and / or because the operation has not been approved by the issuer of the credit card with which the consumer operates and / or for not obtaining the site approval of the company hired for this purpose in order to evaluate the credit risk of the user, etc. The reasons referred to have been listed by way of example. Likewise, the consumer acknowledges that the Website may require additional data in order to be able to specify the operation. If the operation is not confirmed, the site will notify the user of said circumstance by sending an email that will be sent by the Website.


The Website carries out special promotions. They may not be valid permanently. The different promotions that may be valid, are not cumulative, and in the event of exceptions, this will be expressly established on the Website. The published promotions are exclusively for purchases through the site www.in2tires.com. They are not valid for other sales channels, unless otherwise specified.


Information about products and prices is subject to change without notice. All prices expressed on the Site include VAT, unless otherwise indicated. All prices on the Site are expressed in Argentine pesos, legal tender of the Argentine Republic.

The published promotions correspond to the sale of products through the online modality, that is, those marketed through the Website: www.in2tires.com, unless the publication determines that they are for other sales channels.

All prices and promotions are subject to change without notice.


Shipping costs are always paid by the client / user. Unless otherwise specified.


You acknowledge and agree that all material and content published on the Website, including, but not limited to, texts, software, graphics, photographs, audio, music, videos, interactive content and the like, belong to Tech & Advise S.A. or have been granted to the latter under legitimate license, being protected by intellectual property rights.

You may only use the information and materials contained on the Website exclusively for private and non-commercial purposes. The information and materials may not be used, copied, reproduced, modified, altered, sold, licensed or exploited in any other way, directly or indirectly, in any medium or support, for a use other than strictly personal, or perform any other act. that violates the intellectual property rights of Tech & Advise SA or from third parties.

All distinctive signs, corporate elements, software programs, databases, music and / or audio, brands, logos and graphic designs are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights of which Tech & Advise S.A. is the owner or legitimate licensee. Its use, reproduction or exploitation in any form and by any means, without the prior and express authorization of Tech & advise S.A., is strictly prohibited.


The User of the Site knows and accepts that Tech & Advise S.A. You can use a tracking system by using cookies (the "Cookies").
Cookies are small files that are installed on the hard disk, with a limited duration in time that help to personalize the services. We also offer certain features that are only available through the use of Cookies. Cookies are used in order to know the interests, behavior and demographics of those who visit or are Users of our Site and in that way, better understand their needs and interests and give them a better service or provide related information. We will also use the information obtained through Cookies to analyze the pages browsed by the User, the searches performed, improve our commercial and promotional initiatives, show advertising or promotions, banners of interest, news about Tech & Advise S.A. perfect our offer of content and articles, customize said content, presentation and services; We may also use Cookies to promote and enforce the rules and security of the site. Tech & Advise S.A. You can add Cookies in the e-mails you send to measure the effectiveness of the promotions.
We additionally use Cookies so that the User does not have to enter his password so frequently during a browsing session, also to account for and confirm the registrations, always having as objective the installation of Cookies, the benefit of the User who receives it, and will not be used for other purposes outside of Tech% Advise SA
It is explicitly clarified that these policies cover the use of Cookies by this site and not the use of Cookies by advertisers. We do not control the use of Cookies by third parties. You can prevent your browser from accepting cookies, in which case Tech & Advise S.A. does not guarantee the correct functioning of the services and contents offered through the Website.


There may be links on the Website that allow the user to access third-party sites. If such links exist, they cannot be interpreted as an association of any kind between the site and said third parties. The user declares to know that access to other sites will imply submitting to their terms and conditions, which may be different from the present.

By using the Website, the user is responsible for the care of the confidentiality of their account and password. Based on what is specified herein, the user is responsible for everything that is recorded in his account.


This Website is controlled by Tech & Advise S.A. and it comes to you from its facilities in Argentina. Tech & Advise S.A. refrains from stating that the Website is appropriate for other places, as well as that it is available there. People who access the Website or make use of it from other jurisdictions do so at their own will and assume the responsibility of respecting local legislation and in case it so establishes not to access the Website.


You agree to defend, indemnify and keep harmless Tech & Advise S.A. its officers, directors, employees or representatives in case of any claim, compensation for damages, obligation, loss, debt, cost or expense (including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees) that may arise as a result of (i) The use by you of the Website or access to it; (ii) Violation on your part of any of the clauses of these Terms of Use or (iii) Violation on your part of third party rights, including, but not limited to, copyright, property or privacy rights. The present obligation of defense and indemnity will subsist even after the termination of these Conditions of Use and / or once its use of the Website has ended.


Tech & Advise S.A. You may update, modify, alter, add or delete parts of these Terms of Use at any time you deem appropriate, without prior notice. You will be responsible for reviewing the Terms of Use to verify if there has been any modification. When making use of the Website once the modification of the present ones takes place, said use will imply acceptance of your part of the modified terms.

Tech & Advise S.A. Likewise, you may unsubscribe the Website at your sole discretion, at any time, without prior notification, not generating any responsibility for Tech & Advise S.A.


If any of the clauses of these Conditions of Use become invalid by virtue of a judicial declaration of a competent court, the invalidity of said clause will not affect the validity of the other clauses, which will remain in full force.

The fact that Tech & Advise S.A. delays in exercising a right or in demanding compliance with a provision of these Terms of Use may not be construed as a waiver of exercising that right or requiring compliance with such provision in the future. Waiver of any of the terms of these Terms of Use shall not be construed as a continuous or subsequent waiver of such condition or other conditions.

The titles of the articles of these Terms of Use have been included for convenience only and have no contractual effects.


Tech & Advise S.A. does not guarantee the absence of any technical difficulties or failures in the systems or on the Internet. Tech & Advise S.A. does not guarantee the access and continued use of the Website. The system may not be available due to technical difficulties or Internet failures or for any other circumstance outside Tech & Advise S.A. In such cases Tech & Advise S.A. will attempt to restore it as quickly as possible.


The legal address of Tech & Advise S.A. it is the one of the street Av. Santa Fe 1229 - Piso 5i - C1425, CABA. These Conditions of Use have been drafted and must be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Argentine Republic. You agree that any dispute, conflict or divergence that may arise from the use of the Website and the Conditions of Use will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Ordinary National Courts based in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, excluding any other jurisdiction or jurisdiction that may apply.


 vs Oct 2021

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What our clients say about us

"... The easiest way to buy a tire from my PC, Tablet or Mobile. 

No need to waste time wandering the city or making calls to

find the model and make I need for my car ...

They also assist me with light mechanics "

 Patricio, Jujuy

"... I found in2tires.com 3 years ago and since then I always buy from the same place. 

The largest offer and variety of tires in one place.

They also sell shock absorbers, pads & disc, wipers, lamps, filters.

I was able to compare designs and specifications. I would not change anything !!! ... "

 Mauro, Ushuaia

".... Simple, comfortable, accurate. It's great. 

And also, they have a recommended installer close to where I am.

Wherever my mishap occurred, my home, my job or vacation spot.

It's the solution I was waiting for ... "

 Lucas, San Luis